My roof was shot. Six layers of shingles were not enough to keep the rain and snow out. The rafters and decking were rotten and moldy. I have had this dream of building a second story onto my house, but being so close to the Rio De Flag ( our storm water drainage system) I wasn't confident the city would let me. When I inquired about building a second story, they squirmed and listed a number of items that would have to be addressed before a permit would be considered. They did say, however, they could not deny me a new roof. My dad and I put our heads together and came up with a plan to add a new truss system, and incorporate dormers. I could then have a roof, and potentiallly more space. We sumbitted the plans and waited. It was approved, with few changes. We discussed and made lists, and set a date for June 1st to begin. This date conincides with our dry season in Flagstaff. This dry season only lasts for about a month before our monsoon rainy season begins, so we had to move quickly. I took off two weeks of work, and ordered the trusses and lumber. Below is a picture of the house before.