We pointed our noses in the direction of the Town of Escalante.
Since we lost a few beers and some tomatoes we decided to stop in at a
grocery, then check in at the ranger station to get the low down on the
road conditions on Hole in the Rock Road. Looks like a little cold front
was going to blow in, but no moisture. Stocked up and filled up we
began down the fifty mile road. The story of Hole in the Rock Road
starts and ends like most stories in Utah, with early Mormon settlers.
They were looking for a short cut to the river (now Lake Powell) and
blasted a channel in the rock to descend the steep cliffs with their
wagons. They did it, but the road never really became a popular route.
It pretty amounts to a dead end road today. There were tons of hiking
trails, and canyons to visit. We had a little trouble deciding what to
do first. Dinosaur tracks, slot canyons, Dance Hall Rock, Sooner rocks
all on tap.

brought some hiking books of the area and shuffled through them to see
what to do first. There was Spooky and Peed-a-boo slot canyons directly
adjacent to each other. This sounded good, we could kill two birds
with one stone. We left the dogs in the car for this hike, since the
descent into the canyon was to be really steep on slick rock. At the
bottom of the canyon we hiked in a wash and spent time investigating a
few of the side canyons. It was a bit confusing as to which slot was
which. And once you were in there it was difficult to turn around. If
other people arrived you practically hat to crawl over each other or
back up to a spot wide enough to squeeze by each other. At one point I
had to set my day pack and camera down because it was too narrow to
continue with them. Eventually claustrophobia takes over and you have
to retreat. Kristi could proceed a bit farther, but I would be wedged
in there due to my wide rib cage.
Peek-a-boo Canyon |
I'm not sure canyoneering is my
forte. It was fun though. Once we returned to the van we found a dirt
road off the main parking area and followed it to see where it might
lead...perhaps a camp spot over that hill. And behold a small slick
rock out cropping revealed a fire ring. You would think that a remote
desert road might be replete with camping spots, but there were quite a
few no camping signs at the trail heads and parking areas. Not that I
would prefer to camp in those areas... Late afternoon was upon us and
some high clouds started to move in. We set up camp, and started a fire
with wood we had brought from home. It was rather barren terrain, and
gathering wood only left us with a small pile of sticks. Fortunately
this area was free range, and there were plenty of cow patties. Believe
it or not dried cow patties burn pretty well, and act as a filler for
the fire. Definitely the dried ones. You can try it at home. Sitting
in camp usually entailed activities such as campfires, watching the dogs
roam around smelling the scents, calling for them when they wander too
far off, and yelling at them for eating something disgusting. They all
love disgusting. I also enjoy listening to music. The barn doors have a
speaker in each of them, and with them both open I can have full stereo
sound. Some adult beverages and cooking dinner usually end the evening.
Then off to la la land. Unless we have somewhere to go, we just laze
around in the mornings. Brewing coffee is the first order of business,
then business is the second order of business, of course. Breakfast
slowly follows and a discussion of the upcoming events for the day after
that. By about 9 we are prepared to seek out new adventures. Dance Hall
rock was on the schedule. Dance Hall Rock is an interesting formation
that makes a natural amphitheater. The rock got its name from the 19th
century Mormon Settlers that used it to hold square dances. You can sit
there and just imagine the sound of fiddles, guitars and banjos echoing
throughout the canyon. Petticoats spinning, and girls giggling at
young men courting their hearts out.
It always amazes me that even against insurmountable
odds life finds a way to live. Located atop of Dance Hall Rock the area
supports about a half dozen trees like this. The great photographer
Guy Tal made this locale famous in his book
Intimate Portraits of the Colorado Plateau.

as the Mormon settlers did, this tree ekes out a living in this high
desert environment, persistent against the odds. This area is a great
place to explore, much like Mars would be, had there been trees. I took
my GPS and wandered all over these rocks, and made a loop back to the
van, by creating a waypoint and following the arrows. There were a few
sketchy places, and as you can see if you were to fall into one of these
holes it would be very difficult to get out, if not impossible had you
been alone. We definitely kept the dogs on leash. Our next stop would
be to find a camping spot, and according to the guide books, it would be
Sooner Rocks, one of the few permissible locations. The clouds were
building and blue sky was becoming scarce. The wind was biting, and not
much fun. The bottom of Sooner Rocks seemed the best place to camp,
but alas the few available camping spots were already taken.

chose a cool spot with a great view of a large monolith, but with the
wind blasting us it wasn't the best conditions to hang out in. We hiked
around a bit in the valley to escape the breeze and possibly look for
another spot. Eventually we threw in the towel and just retreated to
the van for shelter. We settled into our routine, save the campfire.
After dinner we decided to watch a movie on the iPad, and before we got
even half way through we were both asleep. A Tempurpedic mattress must
have been at fault for that. After completing our morning routine we
decided we'd check out the dinosaur tracks. The storm front had moved
out and the sun was shinning brightly. We followed the directions in
the guide book, which led us to a sign with some hand written
coordinates. I punched them into my GPS and we made our way up to a rock
shelf. Having arrived at our location we looked around, and around. No
tracks that we could see. We hiked and hiked, and returned to the
coordinates again. Hmm. Looking down we saw some white spots, which
could have been anything. I suppose the position of each of the spots
might resemble a walking pattern. Indeed. We were expecting some
semblance of a foot or toes, but were slightly disappointing to find a
series of spots. Not like any dinosaur prints I've seen before. I guess
they were baby dinosaur prints. Having spent the whole morning looking
at rocks, it was time to skeedadle to our next destination.