The old framing inside the house was quite interesting. Since the northwestern corner of the house had sunken 6 inches, all the studs had twisted in that direction. There were maybe two straight studs in the whole house.

We discovered areas that had been burnt in a fire, and another that had been hit by a truck. They were all solid and the original 2x4 size held together by 1x12 lath on the outside, so the newer studs fit right next to the old ones.

We framed for all new windows and doors, this time making them square. We moved the front door, and added a door to the laundry room.

My Dad framed the inside walls and doorways, and Kristi and I replaced windows and siding. I drilled holes in the studs, and Kristi pulled all the wiring. The plan at this point was to get the inside wired, and walls drywalled (but not the ceiling) including the insulation.

We were going to have to pull a permit to build the new roof, so we wanted to be far enough along so that it appeared we were replacing the ceiling drywall and insulation under the roof permit.
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